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Scholarly works in the Objectivist and Austrian Traditions

Developing the fundamental and applied human sciences based on the philosophy of Ayn Rand, the economics of Ludwig von Mises, and the psychology of Edith Packer
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Kirkpatrick Books

Links of Interest

Capitalism.net, the intellectual voice of capitalism on the internet

George Reisman's Blog on economics, politics, society, and culture

Mises.org - the Ludwig von Mises Institute, free-market economics from the Austrian perspective

Ayn Rand and Objectivism - Wikipedia entries. Take with several grains of salt.

Ludwig von Mises - also a Wikipedia entry

Ayn Rand, Ludwig von Mises, and Edith Packer at Amazon.com. There is no substitute for reading the original sources.

“The Business Plan: How to Think about It, How to Write It,” by Jerry Kirkpatrick. An Amazon Short.

Other publications by Jerry Kirkpatrick

Cover designer of In Defense of Advertising; Montessori, Dewey, and Capitalism; ;Independent Judgment and Introspection; and Applying Principles: 1106Design.

Cover photograph for In Defense of Advertising by John Sigler.