Jerry Kirkpatrick's Home Page at

Published October 1, 2021

Published October 1, 2019
publisher of Applying Principles, Independent Judgment and Introspection, Montessori, Dewey, and Capitalism, and In Defense of Advertising.
Read excerpts from links on the home page.
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business, education, philosophy, psychology, and economics,
with a special emphasis on epistemology and psychology.
The theoretical framework of the blog is
the philosophy of Ayn Rand,
economics of Ludwig von Mises,
and psychology of Edith Packer.
Archive listing by post title.
Note: TLJ Books closed December 31, 2016, and was renamed Kirkpatrick Books.
Click here for Jerry Kirkpatrick's publications pages at Cal Poly Pomona. (I'm now retired, but the pages are still there.)